Never mind the fact that it's June 28th and pouring rain outside in the Bay Area of California. Thankfully, it's a "work in the office/can't play outside" day.
I have been dragging Charlie and Noelle all over the place and they've handled it beautifully. That's saying a lot if you've ever seen my son refuse to go anywhere, which is quite possible if you've ever laid eyes on him. What can I say? He's a home body!
So far these last few weekends have included a trip to my parent's house, time at the Beach Boardwalk, a hike in the Redwoods and quality time with cousins in Monterey. I have absolutely no complaints!
The highlight of all these for me was the day in the Redwoods. I am amazed at how beautiful and incredible they are. It doesn't matter how many times I've been around them -- I'm in awe every time.
We picked the perfect day -- not too warm, not too cold. One thing I really learned is how much I want my kids to grow up respecting nature. They didn't really "get" that you don't walk or climb on whatever you want. The paths are there for a reason, and that's where you walk. In my mind, I've likened the concept to the idea that you treat nature the way you'd want someone to treat your own home. Essentually, this is God's backyard you're playing in, so mind your manners!
For this picture we let them stand on a tree trunk -- between this and climbing into the John C Fremont tree, they had their fill of "tree climbing."
The "we" in this scenario includes one of my oldest friends, Michael. We've known each other since mid high school and we love having him along with us for any and all adventures. The kids have taken a real shine to him, and he's wonderfully patient with them. That's worth gold for this tired single mom.
Here's Noelle holding his hand climbing a hill. She also won't ride rides at the Boardwalk with anyone else.
Later that day, and after a little shopping at a nearby mall, we finally saw "X-Men First Class." WOW!! We all loved it, though Noelle was a bit bored and fast asleep by the end. I think the creators did a great job with the characters we know and love -- nothing felt out of place. It made me want to run out and see the other movies all over again.
And there you have it -- my summer thus far. We plan on many further adventures, so stay tuned!

How I would love for my kids to appreciate nature like I do. I think it's one of those actions speak louder than words kind of things so I'm going to keep dragging them up mountains with me!
Lovely post, can't wait to enjoy more fun times together this summer! ;)
I love the picture of your friend and Noelle!! It's so sweet!!!
Love, Mere
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