No Children!
That’s right – since Sunday, when we left my parents’ house, we have been kid free. We left them behind to enjoy a week of constant love and attention from the grandparents for their last week of summer while Rick started his NEW JOB and I continued to work at my SAME OLD JOB. That’s just not as exciting, is it?
I’ll be honest here. It’s been an amazing week.
Sunday we drove home without any whining or complaining about how long the drive was. Sunday night we ate a quiet dinner and watched the season finale of “Lost.” Yes, it’s been on our Tivo for THAT long. It was nice to watch it without interruption.
Monday morning Rick went off to work and began to learn something brand new, and do you know what? He loves it! I haven’t seen him smile this much in years. Again, and I can’t say it enough, it is wonderful having my husband back.
That night we went out to dinner at a favorite little sushi place that we can never take the kids to. Every time we eat there we try a new sushi roll – this time it was the Hawaii roll that came with the most delicious sweet sauce on it that was a perfect contrast to the wasabi and ginger that I smother it in, too. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. We talked about his first day and just enjoyed the heck out of a leisurely dinner.
Tuesday the date nights continued as we went to the movies and saw a real honest to God grown up flick. Nope, no Disney Pixar films this time! Better still – we ran into two friends at the theater who were heading into the same movie as us. We’ve known Pam and John for years as John was Rick’s brother’s best friend when they were young. We all ended up in the same small town and have been a part of each other’s lives off and on for quite some time. We decided to make the date a double date and sat together for the movie.
The evening would have been perfect except for my movie selection: Funny People. While I love Seth Rogen and Adam Sandler, and expected a certain level of bad language, etc, I did not expect to hear the word “balls” so many times in 2.5 hours. Seriously, are they 12 year old boys? I’m 33 – balls stops being funny after the first hour. But then I’m also a girl, right? The movie also took an odd turn for the second half that I didn’t expect. It just felt off somehow.
Last night we kept it simple and simply went out to Target to pick up Charlie’s birthday present. He turns eight next Friday! I’ll have to share his wish list with you in another post because we think it’s absolutely hilarious.
Tonight I’m feeling tempted to clean out both of the kids’ rooms so that they can start the school year with a fresh clean room. It also gives me the opportunity to get rid of a LOT of junk without them around to cry about it. Them or Rick, who will be out for a while tonight and won’t see everything I’ll toss until he’ll dig through the trash later and pull out things that HE can’t bear to part with. I’m telling you, he’s worse than the children.
All of the fun aside, I realized this morning that I can’t WAIT to see my kids tomorrow. I called them a little while ago to tell them that, and Charlie said he’s going to give me “so many hugs tomorrow!”
I’m definitely a Mom at heart.

Congrats to Rick on the new job! Whenever the kids are away I always say that I'm going to get so much done but then I just end up having 'me' time--watching hgtv and eating my favorite foods!
I'm always happy to hear about others' new jobs! GO RICK!! I'd go clean their rooms if I were you just for the reasons listed above!! Sounds like you've had a relaxing week, which was well deserved to say the least!!
Love, Mere
Sounds like life is good! Glad everything is working out well! And that Hawaii roll? Sounds awesome!!
That sounds awesome!!!
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