Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Movie and a Birthday

The last few days have been a hoot thanks to the cold I came down with on Sunday night. I woke up yesterday with a throat that felt like the size of Texas. I stayed home and tried to rest, but we ended up with the kids home sick too, so there wasn't much resting to be had. I can never seem to catch a break when it comes to getting sufficient rest during illness, but I suppose that's the plight of mothers everywhere, isn't it? Oh well..I'll rest in another 15 years or so.

Meanwhile, I'm starting to sound like an old smoker. I only wish it was the sexy version, like Phoebe when she got the sexy sick voice.

On another note...

Happy Birthday to my favorite Florida friend! I miss you and hope that SOMEday we'll see each other face to face again. Living this far apart hasn't diminished all the wonderful memories I have of you, including being newlyweds and new moms together. The early mornings of BSF...Taco Bell (and only you) visiting me at the hospital when I had many kids birthdays it's hard to keep count. I'm so glad we're friends!


Angela said...

That episode cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

I love getting a shout out in your blog! Thanks for the bday wishes! No plans here... just another school, homework, church crazy day!

Love that pic of the babies! Hard to believe they are five! And one is leaning over my shoulder driving me crazy right now!

Mere said...

Get better soon!!

Love, Mere

Rebekah said...

lol- I have been known to go around and sing Sticky Shoes like Phoebe

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. Rest is totally overrated anyway...haven't you heard?

kel said...

I totally forgot about that episode!!!
I hope you feel better soon!