I'm going for another Writer's Workshop today at Mama's Losin' It. Today's chosen topic:
Describe your significant other's most attractive quality (on the inside).
This is not a difficult one for me. Just last night my hubby and I were sitting on the couch in our living room (not the family room with the tv) talking about various things. It was nice just catching up on things, telling him about my upcoming weekend, and deciding together all the wonderful things he was going to do for me around the house today. (Hey, my best friend is flying in, and SOMEONE has to grocery shop and vacuum!)
That's when I had the opportunity to tell him how wonderful it is to not only be married to someone who helps me when I need it, but just plain gets things done. He is Mr. Responsibility every single day, and never ever puts off to tomorrow what needs to be done today. How many of us can say that? I can't! I'm all about the procrastination when it comes to chores and "have to's." Not this guy, and that was one of the first qualities that attracted me to him.
He can do just about everything. If something needs fixing he fixes it. If he doesn't know how, he learns how, and fixes it. If my parents' dogs are visiting, get nervous, and practically tear apart our side gate, he just knocks together a whole new one in a day. If he wants to add a brick section to our backyard he learns how, buys the tools, and builds it. He's quite a guy, this one.
There are many other things that I love about my husband - his good heart, his forgiving nature, the fact that he puts up with ME. But one thing you can't go wrong with is the quiet driving force that doesn't let him put things off, and for that I am grateful.
He got a little shy when I told him how wonderful of a person he is, and how blessed I am to be married to him. I suggested I don't do nearly as much as him around here, and I'm sorry I don't seem to hold up my end. He then suggested that my working full time pretty much makes up my end. I felt great...until he also slipped in that perhaps I could empty the dishwasher now and then. Oh, all right...if I have to!

What a great post! He's such a great guy! See you tonight! EEE!
Does he have a brother? Say around 35?
Can he teach MY husband a few of those traits??? What a great hubby!!
Whoa. Your husband sounds like me, and I sound like you. Perhaps that's a forecast of a happy marriage for us? Lol.
What an awsome Hubby
Isn't it great to have a great husband :)
That actually made me teary-eyed - how nice that your hubby is so wonderful, and that you take the time to recognize it :-)
What a wonderful husband! It's always nice when others take notice of the small and large things that you do!
That's funny, I wasnt given a writing challenge but you and I had the same exact post!
I tried to leave you a comment, but it got lost in cyber-space. I guess that means I need to shorten it up!
I loved reading about your husband and that you took time to appreciate him (with him, and with us!)
That was lovely! I know how you feel!
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