My Darling Beautiful Daughter,

I can't remember a time in my adult life when I didn't want a little girl of my own. I'll never forget the joy I felt the moment I found out that you were her -- the daughter I'd been dreaming of. I could hardly wait to share the news with those we loved, including your big brother, who loved to point at my tummy whenever we asked him, "Where's the baby?"

The nine months and one week that I carried you were filled with wonderful moments for me. Feeling you dance around inside of me should have clued me in to how much you'd love to dance now. Sometimes you'd kick me so hard that I'd have to get down on all fours to give my internal organs a break! You weren't in a hurry to be born, but with a little help from my midwife, things finally got moving the afternoon of September 24th, 2003.
I drove home from that appointment with the start of back pain, and was sure I was in labor just a few hours later. I remember having a contraction in the front yard as I watered the flowers, but it took them a little longer to get very painful. We went to the hospital that evening, and on September 25th at 1:46am, you were born.

I was glad to finally meet you, and to have you out, because I felt EVERYTHING. The first words out of the midwife's mouth were, "She's a moose!" Sure enough, you weighed 9 lbs 10 oz! You squawked and hollered for at least a half hour while they fixed us both up, and then as soon as you were laid in my arms, it was as if we both knew each other right away. You settled right in, found something to eat, and listened calmly as I sang our song to you. That was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Your first smile caught on camera was in the arms of our dear friend, Ranch Girl.
Your first smile caught on camera was in the arms of our dear friend, Ranch Girl.

You've gone after life with gusto ever since! You amazed everyone by walking at nine months!

You've only gotten cuter as each day has passed. The stubborn streak that lies within you has led me to apologize to my own mother more than a few times. You weren't born knowing quite everything like I was, but you can certainly hold your own. I admire you for knowing your own mind, but I hope you won't let it stop you from experiencing new things -- there's a lot of life out there!

I love you so much more that I ever imagined I could. I love being your mommy, and I promise to always be there for you, no matter what.
Your Mama
Happy Birthday to N! What a wonderful post ... and I had totally forgotten about that picture.
ok make me cry in the morning! what wonderful pictures, love them. she is so pretty! Happy B-day N!
That is sooooo sweet! I remember your baby shower at Molly's, I remember when you brought her in her carseat to Yaya's swim days....she is so precious Mere! Happy Birthday N!!
tears.... you are s sweet! I hope you saved that in print for her to read and appreciate as an adult!!!
Ranch Girl -- I just love that picture of the two of you. :)
J -- Oh to have those days back again for a little while.
Jen -- That shower was so much fun! I still have the crossword puzzles by Molly!
G -- I promise I'll save it, and I'm glad you liked it. FYI you are absolutely gorgeous in all those pictures I'm seeing!
Happy Birthday blondie!
What beautiful pictures and such a lovely tribute to your daughter! Happy birthday sweet girl!
What a sweet story for a beautiful girl!
Such a great post! Could she LOOK more like her momma?! I love the pic of her toddling through the sprinkler. Too adorable!
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