If you asked my husband what bugged him most about me, he'd probably tell you it's our bathroom, and the many many clothes draped all over the place. I hang them to dry from everywhere, and I tend to come home and put my work clothes 'wherever.' Anywhere but in the closet again. Not that this is what I worked on this weekend. Nope, not at all. I actually was inspired early Saturday morning by a post that Kimba directed me to, here. Go ahead and look at this gal's great way of organizing her jewelry. (This would be the thing that drives me crazy -- my jewelry being spread out all over and no way of easily putting it away in one place.)
After seeing the pictures on High Heels and a Sippy Cup, I got dressed and headed to my beloved Tarjay with my daughter. The closest thing I found to "key hooks" was a tie and belt organizer. It seemed like it would do the job I needed. While there, I also came across this little beauty, 30% off.

To utilize the space better, I had hubby attach the organizer to the wall, and I rearranged everything to make do. I added my jewelry, got rid of some stuff, and Wahlah!
Doesn't that rock? Now I can actually SEE my jewelry all in one place, and I can pick out what I want to wear to work each day without having to fumble around in the dark while Hubby is still asleep.
Yes, I get a little high from all this.
Meanwhile, here's what I've done with the shelf.
See the little gold and white striped boxes stacked on the second shelf? Those were from Harry and David's, filled with goodies and treats a few Christmases ago. I've held on to them, hoping to find some use. They now hold barettes, cotton balls, scrunchies and some make up. Nice looking while easily accessible.
Anyway, there was my weekend. We're not living the high life around here, no, but at least I find cheap thrills.

Sounds like fun - no, really, I mean it! I'm all aflutter when I get something done that's been bugging me forEVER! Like, I just managed to get pictures put up over my bed - yeah, it's been almost a year since we moved back into the house (as of 9/22). I guess I was just waiting for the right ones - 2 are from Cabo, 1 is from several Christmases ago. Yay! It's a different kind of organizing!
That's what I did this weekend too! Hubby's work closet is in the bathroom and really needed help. Just a few storage bins later it looks so much better. Now I need to tackle my closet!
I love those kinds of weekends that something gets organized! Of couse I like the weekends I do nothing better, but you got to have balance! Great job, it looks good.
OOh, I love it. I love organizing and rearranging. That little shelf is awesome! Glad you had a good time getting things straghtened up!
I agree with the others- if I had the time to do it, it sounds like FUN! It looks great!
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